stephiblu: hayat on the minibus
stephiblu: dana in the smallest kitchen in milano
stephiblu: neato building
stephiblu: IDII @ DOMUS
stephiblu: chair 2
stephiblu: chair 1
stephiblu: IDII @ DOMUS
stephiblu: IDII @ DOMUS
stephiblu: way to milano
stephiblu: ride home to ivrea
stephiblu: johnny g
stephiblu: across from the duomo
stephiblu: duomo angel
stephiblu: gargoyles
stephiblu: hello from the duomo in milano.
stephiblu: james on top of the duomo
stephiblu: james on top of the duomo
stephiblu: the dream inSpires
stephiblu: duomo gargoyles
stephiblu: duomo, milano
stephiblu: duomo
stephiblu: inside the duomo
stephiblu: salone
stephiblu: salone opening party
stephiblu: folks playing with james/dave
stephiblu: salone
stephiblu: checking out the radio