stephenquin58: 2013-10-06-2905
stephenquin58: 2013-10-06-2902
stephenquin58: Tarn from the reeds
stephenquin58: Sun through the bush
stephenquin58: Sun over the Tarn,808
stephenquin58: Solo Seagull
stephenquin58: Solo Seagull Re-Framed
stephenquin58: Ryan Air takeoff cropped 808
stephenquin58: Ryan Air Takeoff ,808
stephenquin58: Ryan Air into the clouds, 808
stephenquin58: Ryan Air into the clouds cropped 808
stephenquin58: No Fishing Beyond This Point, 808
stephenquin58: Moorhen Splashing
stephenquin58: Moorhen Splashing Re-Framed
stephenquin58: Moorhen Flapping
stephenquin58: Moorhen Flapping Re-Framed
stephenquin58: Lonesome Canadian
stephenquin58: Line of Geese
stephenquin58: Line of Geese Re-Framed
stephenquin58: Jet2 takeoff, 1020
stephenquin58: Jet2 Takeoff cropped 1020
stephenquin58: Jet2 into the clouds
stephenquin58: Jet2 into the clouds cropped 1020
stephenquin58: Gaggle & Flock
stephenquin58: Ducks in a line
stephenquin58: Chinese Ducks through the reeds
stephenquin58: Birds on the breakwater
stephenquin58: Autumn Leaves
stephenquin58: Across the Tarn, 808