Stephen Poff: Joe, Rhonda and Tam
Stephen Poff: Joe Rhonda and Tam
Stephen Poff: Alabama Loves Barack
Stephen Poff: This little guy was really excited
Stephen Poff: Button
Stephen Poff: Singing
Stephen Poff: Barack Obama
Stephen Poff: Barack Obama
Stephen Poff: Barack Obama
Stephen Poff: Barack Obama
Stephen Poff: Barack Obama
Stephen Poff: Barack Obama
Stephen Poff: IMG_5428
Stephen Poff: Barack Obama
Stephen Poff: Barack Obama
Stephen Poff: Barack Obama
Stephen Poff: Barack Obama - saying goodbye
Stephen Poff: Barack Obama - saying goodbye
Stephen Poff: Barack Obama - mixing with the crowd
Stephen Poff: January 27th 2008 - Went to see the Ba "rock" Show