Stephen Poff: Joe ecstatic: YES! The Biscuits won!!
Stephen Poff: Joe shocked: The Bicuits won?
Stephen Poff: Jimmy and Tracy
Stephen Poff: The Biscuits celebrate their victory and move to the Southern League Championship Playoffs
Stephen Poff: Rodney enjoys the game
Stephen Poff: Everyone sings Happy Birthday to Randy
Stephen Poff: Linda surprised Randy with a birthday message
Stephen Poff: Kenny and Matthew
Stephen Poff: Rodney watches intently
Stephen Poff: Sheryl Shelly and Tracy
Stephen Poff: Tracy Sheryl Shelly and Patt
Stephen Poff: Bobby and Beth
Stephen Poff: Patt, Charles and Tracy
Stephen Poff: Tam hugs "Big Mo" after a quick dance
Stephen Poff: September 9th 2006
Stephen Poff: Tam and I get our picture did with Big Mo
Stephen Poff: Patt, "Big Mo" and Tam
Stephen Poff: "Big Mo" and Shelly
Stephen Poff: Patt honks "Big Mo" honker
Stephen Poff: Donnie and Shelley
Stephen Poff: Rodney gives me that look...
Stephen Poff: Sheryl
Stephen Poff: Glenda
Stephen Poff: Joe, Rhonda, Sheryl and Jimmy
Stephen Poff: Tracy and Ray
Stephen Poff: Joe and Rhonda