Stephen Mudge:
White-lipped Tree Frog (Litoria infrafrenata)
Stephen Mudge:
Brushtail Possum
Stephen Mudge:
Ghost Fungi (Omphalotus nidiformis)
Stephen Mudge:
Marasmius elegans and M haematocephalus
Stephen Mudge:
Male Green Tree Frog enjoying the rain
Stephen Mudge:
Juvenile Eastern Sedgefrog
Stephen Mudge:
Birds Nest Fungi and Selaginella
Stephen Mudge:
Brisbane River Panorama
Stephen Mudge:
Eastern Sedgefrog portrait
Stephen Mudge:
Venus and the Seven Sisters
Stephen Mudge:
Green Tree Frog in our backyard
Stephen Mudge:
Five minutes' worth of lightning strikes
Stephen Mudge:
Male Ant-mimic Jumping Spider
Stephen Mudge:
Bioluminescent Ghost Fungi under moonlight
Stephen Mudge:
Green Jumping Spider (Mopsus mormon)
Stephen Mudge:
Male Stony Creek Frog
Stephen Mudge:
Green Tree Frog enjoying the rain
Stephen Mudge:
Net-casting spider (Deinopis subrufa) with prey
Stephen Mudge:
Galaxy Ahead
Stephen Mudge:
Fog in the City
Stephen Mudge:
Leaf Skeleton
Stephen Mudge:
Total Lunar Eclipse 26 May 2021
Stephen Mudge:
Moon, Mercury and Jupiter_14th January 2021
Stephen Mudge:
Bioluminescent mushrooms (Mycena chlorophos) at Springbrook National Park
Stephen Mudge:
Brisbane from Kangaroo Point
Stephen Mudge:
EOS R macro test
Stephen Mudge:
Crescent Moon over Brisbane
Stephen Mudge:
Tawny Frogmouth in the backyard #3
Stephen Mudge:
Moon and Venus over Brisbane
Stephen Mudge:
Mercury, Venus and the Moon tonight (labelled)