Cryptarcadian: Lucy and I with my new Nokia N73!
Cryptarcadian: Lucy hugs pillow
Cryptarcadian: Lucy on a ferry
Cryptarcadian: Lucy about to go to Starlight
Cryptarcadian: Lucy and I in the car
Cryptarcadian: Staring contest
Cryptarcadian: Lucy smiling on the train
Cryptarcadian: Lucy smiling on the train
Cryptarcadian: Lucy is sick of photos alone in the car
Cryptarcadian: Lucy is sick of photos together in the car
Cryptarcadian: Lucy and her coffee
Cryptarcadian: Lucy eating something yummy
Cryptarcadian: Lucy and I
Cryptarcadian: Lucy and the lens hood
Cryptarcadian: Lucy looks mature...
Cryptarcadian: Lucy in the City
Cryptarcadian: I go EEEEEE!
Cryptarcadian: Just the right-sized soup for Lucy!
Cryptarcadian: Mid-afternoon snack
Cryptarcadian: It's me!
Cryptarcadian: I haz coffee?
Cryptarcadian: Shoelaces
Cryptarcadian: Searching
Cryptarcadian: The closest Sparky gets to a birdcage
Cryptarcadian: Light trail outline experiment
Cryptarcadian: Fun with flash
Cryptarcadian: Lucy and I