Stephen Mildenhall: Painting 6 of 6, finished!
Stephen Mildenhall: Painting 5 of 6
Stephen Mildenhall: Painting 4 of 6
Stephen Mildenhall: Painting 3 of 6
Stephen Mildenhall: Painting 2 of 6
Stephen Mildenhall: Painting 1 of 6
Stephen Mildenhall: Done for the Day
Stephen Mildenhall: Amigurumi Fruit in a Bowl
Stephen Mildenhall: Colorful Frog Print
Stephen Mildenhall: Colorful Frog Prints
Stephen Mildenhall: Frog Prints
Stephen Mildenhall: Going Up the Stairs, Twelve Part Composition
Stephen Mildenhall: Going Up the Stairs, Twelve Part Composition
Stephen Mildenhall: Going Up the Stairs, Twelve Part Composition
Stephen Mildenhall: IMG_5492 - Copy
Stephen Mildenhall: IMG_5493 - Copy
Stephen Mildenhall: Making Frog Prints
Stephen Mildenhall: Benjamin Banneker
Stephen Mildenhall: Pond Scene
Stephen Mildenhall: Mexican Hat
Stephen Mildenhall: Violin Lesson
Stephen Mildenhall: Piano Lesson