orientalizing: Tulum
14Seven: Streak headed Woodcreeper
Phillip Burrows ttpix: IMG_9301independence day, parade, Port of Spain, protective services, Trinidad and Tobago 2017.jpg
elaiphoto: Magnificent Hummingbird
noahfradephotography: Least Flycatcher
Shakyasom Majumder: FUN AFTER DARK
tokinotamao: Eurasian Wigeon
lunaryuna: the thrill of silence and solitude
Tokki,an idiot w/cameras & birds. 5.8M views: Grey headed Canary Flycatcher
noahfradephotography: Willet with snack
Birdmanjag: Small wonder
LifeLover4: Kirby Cove Framed
Jen St. Louis: Ranitomeya Reticulata - Iquitos
cedric provost: Tarier pâtre Saxicola rubicola - European Stonechat CED_6521
neonflamingos: Zebra Swallowtail
R ramirez: Sicalis flaveola hembra
BillChenSF: Townsend's Warbler
Thelma Gátuzzô: As close as you can get
Shakyasom Majumder: The picturesque Zig Zag road as viewed from Thambi View Point, East Sikkim
Shakyasom Majumder: Lampokhri from Mankhim Top
Jean-Maxime Pelletier: Canard colvert / Mallard (Anas platyrhynchos)
Juan Antonio Ocampo: troglodites aedon
sbuckinghamnj: Monarch
BillChenSF: Black-throated Gray Warbler
Thelma Gátuzzô: Dacnis Cayana (male) on a Cherry Tree