Stephen Hill: site of DOTA's Horizon Wind Oasis, July 2012
Stephen Hill: advance crew arrives on playa 1
Stephen Hill: Tim and Dean contemplating dome parts
Stephen Hill: Tim and Dean contemplating dome parts
Stephen Hill: Tim, Dean, Terry extract the last of the dome parts
Stephen Hill: building the dome, Day Two
Stephen Hill: Mistress Ruth directs the dome build
Stephen Hill: building the dome, Day 2
Stephen Hill: Mistress Ruth directs the dome build
Stephen Hill: building the dome, Day 2
Stephen Hill: building the dome, Day 2
Stephen Hill: building the dome, Day 2
Stephen Hill: building the dome, Day 2
Stephen Hill: building the dome, Day 2
Stephen Hill: building the dome, Day 2
Stephen Hill: building the dome, Day 2
Stephen Hill: building the dome, Day 2
Stephen Hill: building the dome, Day 2
Stephen Hill: Mistress Ruth directs the dome build
Stephen Hill: building the dome, Day 2
Stephen Hill: building the dome, Day 2
Stephen Hill: Garrett takes a break
Stephen Hill: camp from the west, midday Day 2
Stephen Hill: Garrett does the Happy Flag Dance
Stephen Hill: building the dome, Day 2
Stephen Hill: building the dome, Day 2
Stephen Hill: building the dome, Day 2
Stephen Hill: dome almost complete, late on Day 2
Stephen Hill: dome almost complete, late on Day 2
Stephen Hill: building the dome, late on Day 2