Stephen Hill: Horizon Wind Oasis
Stephen Hill: Horizon Wind Oasis
Stephen Hill: Horizon Wind Oasis
Stephen Hill: Horizon Wind Oasis
Stephen Hill: Horizon Wind Oasis
Stephen Hill: Horizon Wind Oasis
Stephen Hill: Dean takes a call from a friend while working on the shower
Stephen Hill: Dean takes a call from a friend while working on the shower
Stephen Hill: Stephen demonstrates Segway danceing
Stephen Hill: Stephen leans into it at speed
Stephen Hill: showgirls and rad dude from Las Vegas - Version 2
Stephen Hill: Jose and Vegas showgirl
Stephen Hill: Nina, rear elevation - Version 2
Stephen Hill: Nina, rear elevation - Version 2
Stephen Hill: Nina takes a break
Stephen Hill: Nina takes a break
Stephen Hill: Playa looking NW
Stephen Hill: Horizon Wind Oasis from the NE, late afternoon
Stephen Hill: Dean in the kite buggy
Stephen Hill: Dean in the kite buggy
Stephen Hill: Dean in the kite buggy
Stephen Hill: Horizon Wind Oasis from the SE, late afternoon
Stephen Hill: Tristan does the Happy Dance…
Stephen Hill: Tristan and Casey do the happy dance
Stephen Hill: dome afternoon, Day 5
Stephen Hill: dome afternoon, Day 5
Stephen Hill: Casey works the hammock
Stephen Hill: Casey works the hammock
Stephen Hill: Anile on the silks
Stephen Hill: Casey in the hammock