stephenhaworth: Prado charro
stephenhaworth: Taxis NYC
stephenhaworth: Ocaso en El Vicario
stephenhaworth: Castillo de Peñarroya
stephenhaworth: Parlamento Húngaro (Budapest)
stephenhaworth: Anochecer en Roma/Dusk at Rome
stephenhaworth: Embalse de El Vicario
stephenhaworth: Embalse de El Vicario
stephenhaworth: David de Miguel Ángel
stephenhaworth: Rotonda de Isabel I de Castilla
stephenhaworth: Sunsets of Ibiza
stephenhaworth: Puerta Toledo (Ciudad Real)
stephenhaworth: Vagón en el Parque de Gasset
stephenhaworth: Faluca en Asuan
stephenhaworth: Times Square Lights/Luces de Times Square
stephenhaworth: Aeropuerto Central Ciudad Real
stephenhaworth: Aeropuerto Central Ciudad Real by night
stephenhaworth: Flat iron Building
stephenhaworth: Flat Iron Building 2
stephenhaworth: Christler Building at the botton
stephenhaworth: American flag on Brooklyn Bridge
stephenhaworth: Christler Building and Central Station
stephenhaworth: Plaza Mayor de Ciudad Real en Navidad
stephenhaworth: United colours of Cuenca
stephenhaworth: Pantano de Santa Teresa (Salamanca)
stephenhaworth: In the Fifth Avenue
stephenhaworth: Loro Parque
stephenhaworth: Policias de Nueva York
stephenhaworth: La Gran Vía en un día de lluvia