Stephen G. Valera:
Waves at Niagara
Stephen G. Valera:
Infinitely blue
Stephen G. Valera:
Stephen G. Valera:
A bond scene.
Stephen G. Valera:
L'amour de la famille
Stephen G. Valera:
Where do we go
Stephen G. Valera:
Hills of California
Stephen G. Valera:
sa lawa (in the lake)
Stephen G. Valera:
The lonely bullet shot.
Stephen G. Valera:
Shell cast
Stephen G. Valera:
Paris. Moon.
Stephen G. Valera:
for the Philippines
Stephen G. Valera:
A view
Stephen G. Valera:
Hong Kong's quest
Stephen G. Valera:
De La Torre Beach Baller
Stephen G. Valera:
Open skies.
Stephen G. Valera:
Bird Watching
Stephen G. Valera:
Mountain. Field. Road.
Stephen G. Valera:
Seeing the Dawn
Stephen G. Valera:
Somewhere in Pampanga
Stephen G. Valera:
Singapore. Marina. Peace.
Stephen G. Valera:
Lake tahoe.
Stephen G. Valera:
Perles ng Silanganan
Stephen G. Valera:
Stephen G. Valera:
Heart shape cloud
Stephen G. Valera:
Osaka Lights
Stephen G. Valera:
Still amidst the water
Stephen G. Valera:
Harajuku. Wide.
Stephen G. Valera:
elle la voix
Stephen G. Valera:
Law of the farmer