sbuckinghamnj: Leigh Lake with Mount Moran in the background
sbuckinghamnj: Cascade Canyon
sbuckinghamnj: Hiking up Garnet Canyon
sbuckinghamnj: Hiking up Garnet Canyon
sbuckinghamnj: Garnet Canyon with Middle Teton in the background - that dark streak is a volcanic plume of diabase that gives Middle Teton a very unique look.
sbuckinghamnj: Grizzly cub
sbuckinghamnj: Willow Flats with Mount Moran in background - this large forest/marsh was closed all summer to park visitors due to continued grizzly activity. We were lucky to see the mother and cubs on the periphery of this area
sbuckinghamnj: String Lake
sbuckinghamnj: Grizzly Bear female - we watched this female, known as "399" for about ten minutes, with two cubs trailing along, before they all disappeared into the willows
sbuckinghamnj: Grizzly Bear female
sbuckinghamnj: Grizzly Bear female
sbuckinghamnj: Table Mountain with fresh snow and Grand Teton in background - at 11,069 feet, Table Mountain is the perfect place to view the three Tetons. I took this photo on a scouting trip for a hike up Table Mountain, which I did a few days later.
sbuckinghamnj: Red-tailed Hawk with Grand Teton in the background
sbuckinghamnj: "brown" Black Bear
sbuckinghamnj: Common Raven
sbuckinghamnj: "brown" Black Bear feasting on berries
sbuckinghamnj: Approaching the summit of Table Mountain
sbuckinghamnj: Trailhead sign for the Face Trail to Table Mountain.
sbuckinghamnj: View from Table Mountain (11,069 elev.) of, from left to right, Teewinot, Mount Owen, and Grand, Middle and South Teton
sbuckinghamnj: The Wall as seen from Table Mountain
sbuckinghamnj: Jackson Hole with Taggart and Bradley Lakes in the foreground
sbuckinghamnj: View of Middle Teton from Garnet Canyon
sbuckinghamnj: Cow Moose and calf
sbuckinghamnj: Surprise Lake (elevation 9,570 feet)
sbuckinghamnj: Ampitheater Lake (elevation 9,698 feet)