sbuckinghamnj: Mountainside Park, Pequannock, NJ
sbuckinghamnj: Hoary Edge
sbuckinghamnj: Eastern Amberwing
sbuckinghamnj: Northern Pearly Eye
sbuckinghamnj: Delaware Skipper male
sbuckinghamnj: Common Grackle
sbuckinghamnj: Delaware Skipper female
sbuckinghamnj: American Black Bear
sbuckinghamnj: American Black Bear
sbuckinghamnj: Pink Lady's Slipper - I went back today to show this to my wife, and the light was much better than yesterday
sbuckinghamnj: Indigo Bunting - lots of Indigos at Mountainside on territory. I watched several pairs chasing each other through low brush, and more males singing in the treetops.
sbuckinghamnj: Indigo Bunting female - lots of Indigos at Mountainside on territory. I watched several pairs chasing each other through low brush, and more males singing in the treetops.
sbuckinghamnj: Hoary Edge
sbuckinghamnj: Indian Skipper
sbuckinghamnj: Indian Skipper
sbuckinghamnj: Turkey mom and her poult (one of 8 that were running around her)
sbuckinghamnj: Harlequin Darner
sbuckinghamnj: Harlequin Darner
sbuckinghamnj: Cobweb Skipper
sbuckinghamnj: Cobweb Skipper
sbuckinghamnj: Twin-spotted Spiketail
sbuckinghamnj: Twin-spotted Spiketail
sbuckinghamnj: Eastern Rat Snake - this guy was between 4 and 5 feet long. quite a thrill to see along the trail.
sbuckinghamnj: Eastern Rat Snake
sbuckinghamnj: Painted Skimmer
sbuckinghamnj: Fragile Forktail
sbuckinghamnj: Dusted Skipper
sbuckinghamnj: Dusted Skipper
sbuckinghamnj: American Toad
sbuckinghamnj: American Toad