sbuckinghamnj: Pileated Woodpecker pair getting the nest cavity ready!
sbuckinghamnj: Palm Warbler - first warbler of the season for me (not counting overwintering Yellow-rumpeds)
sbuckinghamnj: Sharp-shinned Hawk
sbuckinghamnj: Pileated Woodpecker
sbuckinghamnj: Pileated Warbler, the largest of all the warblers (just kidding -- of course it's a woodpecker).
sbuckinghamnj: Big Brown Bat feeding on insects in the late afternoon
sbuckinghamnj: Big Brown Bat
sbuckinghamnj: Swainson's Thrush - this bird was not singing. It was just sitting quietly on the branch and suddenly opened its mouth for a second. Maybe a yawn??
sbuckinghamnj: Black-throated Green Warbler
sbuckinghamnj: Black-throated Green Warbler
sbuckinghamnj: Blackburnian Warbler
sbuckinghamnj: Blackburnian Warbler
sbuckinghamnj: Blackburnian Warbler
sbuckinghamnj: Black and White Warbler
sbuckinghamnj: Black and White Warbler
sbuckinghamnj: Orange-crowned Warbler
sbuckinghamnj: Cape May Warbler
sbuckinghamnj: American Redstart
sbuckinghamnj: American Redstart
sbuckinghamnj: American Redstart
sbuckinghamnj: American Redstart all fluffed up to dry after bathing in a stream.
sbuckinghamnj: Northern Flicker
sbuckinghamnj: Rusty Blackbird breeding female
sbuckinghamnj: Rusty Blackbird breeding male
sbuckinghamnj: Belted Kingfisher
sbuckinghamnj: Pileated Woodpecker
sbuckinghamnj: Brown Creeper
sbuckinghamnj: Fox Sparrow
sbuckinghamnj: House Finch
sbuckinghamnj: Carolina Wren