sbuckinghamnj: Semi-palmated Sandpipers
sbuckinghamnj: Palm Warbler
sbuckinghamnj: Green-winged Teal
sbuckinghamnj: Great Egret
sbuckinghamnj: Peregrine Falcon
sbuckinghamnj: Great Egret
sbuckinghamnj: Rough-legged Hawk
sbuckinghamnj: Least Bittern
sbuckinghamnj: Snowy Owl in flight
sbuckinghamnj: Double-crested Cormorant
sbuckinghamnj: Northern Harriers mixing it up - a large female swooped in to steal the hard-earned prey of an immature male
sbuckinghamnj: Rough-legged Hawk (dark morph)
sbuckinghamnj: Snowy Egret
sbuckinghamnj: Greater Yellowlegs
sbuckinghamnj: Least Sandpiper
sbuckinghamnj: Black Saddlebags
sbuckinghamnj: Black Saddlebags
sbuckinghamnj: Great Egret
sbuckinghamnj: Green-winged Teal
sbuckinghamnj: Semi-palmated Sandpipers in flight
sbuckinghamnj: Yellow-rumped Warbler
sbuckinghamnj: Needham's Skimmer
sbuckinghamnj: Needham's Skimmer
sbuckinghamnj: Marsh Wren
sbuckinghamnj: American Kestrel female
sbuckinghamnj: Peregrine Falcon - ready for liftoff
sbuckinghamnj: Snowy Owl
sbuckinghamnj: Great Egret
sbuckinghamnj: Bufflehead in flight
sbuckinghamnj: American Bald Eagle immature