sbuckinghamnj: Red-winged Blackbird
sbuckinghamnj: Barn Swallow
sbuckinghamnj: Bobolink
sbuckinghamnj: Eastern Bluebird
sbuckinghamnj: Black-capped Chickadee
sbuckinghamnj: Ruby-crowned Kinglet
sbuckinghamnj: Blue Jay - backyard bird
sbuckinghamnj: Northern Cardinal
sbuckinghamnj: Western Bluebird
sbuckinghamnj: Western Bluebird female
sbuckinghamnj: Mountain Bluebird
sbuckinghamnj: Northern Cardinal
sbuckinghamnj: Northern Cardinal female
sbuckinghamnj: White-crowned Sparrow
sbuckinghamnj: Eastern Bluebird pair enjoying some Virginia Creeper berries
sbuckinghamnj: Eastern Bluebird
sbuckinghamnj: Eastern Bluebird
sbuckinghamnj: American Goldfinch
sbuckinghamnj: American Tree Swallows immature
sbuckinghamnj: White-eyed Vireo
sbuckinghamnj: Indigo Bunting
sbuckinghamnj: Yellow-throated Vireo - the forests are now echoing with the raspy "three-eight" song
sbuckinghamnj: Indigo Bunting
sbuckinghamnj: American Goldfinch
sbuckinghamnj: Purple Finch
sbuckinghamnj: Purple Finch
sbuckinghamnj: American Goldfinch
sbuckinghamnj: Red-bellied Woodpecker
sbuckinghamnj: Carolina Chickadee
sbuckinghamnj: Boreal Chickadee - a rare irruptive visitor to NJ