-- Green Light Images --: Orthotrichum pulchellum: stereo pair
-- Green Light Images --: Orthotrichum pulchellum: red-cyan anaglyph
-- Green Light Images --: Ulota phyllantha: leaf cells
-- Green Light Images --: Ulota phyllantha gemmae #4 of 4
-- Green Light Images --: Ulota phyllantha gemmae #3 of 4
-- Green Light Images --: Ulota phyllantha gemmae #2 of 4
-- Green Light Images --: Ulota phyllantha gemmae #1 of 4
-- Green Light Images --: Ulota crispa (Orthotrichaceae)
-- Green Light Images --: Ulota crispa (Orthotrichaceae)
-- Green Light Images --: Orthotrichum affine: stoma
-- Green Light Images --: Orthotrichum affine: leaf cells
-- Green Light Images --: Orthotrichum affine: peristome
-- Green Light Images --: Orthotrichum pulchellum: young capsule
-- Green Light Images --: Tricholoma ?virgatum
-- Green Light Images --: Small brown toadstools
-- Green Light Images --: Toadstools beneath Larch
-- Green Light Images --: Toadstools on Beech
-- Green Light Images --: Toadstools beneath Larch: Gills
-- Green Light Images --: Dead Man's fingers
-- Green Light Images --: Lens test: camera lens vs. microscope objective
-- Green Light Images --: Bracket Polypore: upper surface
-- Green Light Images --: Gloeophyllum sepiarium: under surface
-- Green Light Images --: Gloeophyllum sepiarium: upper surface
-- Green Light Images --: Lichen and moss
-- Green Light Images --: Polypore bracket: lower surface
-- Green Light Images --: Polypore bracket: upper surface