-- Green Light Images --: Birch and Pine
-- Green Light Images --: Piptoporus betulinus (Fomitopsidaceae)
-- Green Light Images --: Cumulus over Harlaw
-- Green Light Images --: Mature toadstool and dead friend
-- Green Light Images --: Bracket amongst moss
-- Green Light Images --: Bracket amongst moss
-- Green Light Images --: Green rocks in the forest
-- Green Light Images --: Teepee in the forest
-- Green Light Images --: Bavelaw Burn weirs
-- Green Light Images --: Bavelaw Burn weirs
-- Green Light Images --: Stinkhorn: stage 1
-- Green Light Images --: Stinkhorn: stage 2
-- Green Light Images --: Stinkhorn: fly eating gleba
-- Green Light Images --: Stinkhorn: cap with gleba
-- Green Light Images --: Stinkhorn: stage 3
-- Green Light Images --: Toadstools on rotting Larch trunk
-- Green Light Images --: Colchicum autumnale (Colchicaceae)
-- Green Light Images --: Lactarius with Polytrichum commune
-- Green Light Images --: Lactarius with Rhytidiadelphus squarrosus
-- Green Light Images --: Agaric at Harlaw showing gills
-- Green Light Images --: Agaric at Harlaw
-- Green Light Images --: Pores on Bolete
-- Green Light Images --: Jelly Babies and friend
-- Green Light Images --: Leotia lubrica (Leotiaceae)
-- Green Light Images --: Leotia lubrica
-- Green Light Images --: Delicate toadstool: gills