stephenlester: A tiny bushtit
stephenlester: A California scrub jay on the highest tree
stephenlester: A female ring-necked duck
stephenlester: Light reflecting off a male Anna's hummingbird
stephenlester: A great egret bizarrely perched in a tree
stephenlester: A snowy egret hunts in a flooded creek
stephenlester: A female belted kingfisher
stephenlester: A starling high among the branches
stephenlester: A double-crested cormorant observing the photographer
stephenlester: A spotted sandpiper peeking out from behind the sand
stephenlester: An acorn woodpecker searches for another tree
stephenlester: A red-tailed hawk
stephenlester: A yellow-rumped warbler hides in a leafless tree
stephenlester: A black phoebe perched on the edge of a branch
stephenlester: A very photogenic black phoebe shows off
stephenlester: A vertical Townsend's warbler
stephenlester: A flexible orange-crowned warbler
stephenlester: A pied-billed grebe