Steve Byrne's Photos: ESO077-IG014
Steve Byrne's Photos: Seyfert's Sextet
Steve Byrne's Photos: AM 2055-425
Steve Byrne's Photos: AM 0626-470
Steve Byrne's Photos: Sagittarius Dwarf Irregular Galaxy
Steve Byrne's Photos: Part of LHA 120-N 11
Steve Byrne's Photos: Arp 259 (NGC 1741 group)
Steve Byrne's Photos: Part of LHA 120-N 11
Steve Byrne's Photos: Part of LHA 120-N 11
Steve Byrne's Photos: Hubble Ultra Deep Field
Steve Byrne's Photos: 30 Doradus R136 Region
Steve Byrne's Photos: SSTGBSJ110824.1-774407