sridgway: Round table conversations
sridgway: Round table conversations
sridgway: Round table conversation
sridgway: Round table conversations
sridgway: Round table conversation
sridgway: Listening to the guest speaker
sridgway: DSC01891Listening to the guest speaker
sridgway: Dr Ernesto Sirolli founder of the Sirolli Institute
sridgway: Listening to the guest speaker
sridgway: Listening to the guest speaker
sridgway: Round table conversation
sridgway: Listening to the guest speaker
sridgway: Listening to the guest speaker
sridgway: The audience
sridgway: Listening to the guest speaker
sridgway: The end result
sridgway: Pondering the outcomes
sridgway: Round table conversations
sridgway: Round table conversations
sridgway: Brian, Dianna, Julie & Jai
sridgway: Round table conversations
sridgway: Pondering the outcomes
sridgway: Round table conversations
sridgway: Round table conversations
sridgway: Round table conversations