StephanPhoto: Tramway stop in the rain
StephanPhoto: Flatiron sunset
StephanPhoto: Traffic lights and steam
StephanPhoto: Overcompensation
StephanPhoto: Kiss the sky
StephanPhoto: Broadway/22nd
StephanPhoto: Silvercup Studios
StephanPhoto: Dusky 7th Avenue
StephanPhoto: Starnberger Flügelbahnhof
StephanPhoto: Exxon Building
StephanPhoto: Ratsherrn brewery
StephanPhoto: Brooklyn Bridge
StephanPhoto: Brooklyn Bridge
StephanPhoto: 405 Lexington Avenue
StephanPhoto: Apollo Theater
StephanPhoto: Olympic distortions
StephanPhoto: Enough said
StephanPhoto: Mounted Police
StephanPhoto: Behind vapor
StephanPhoto: Brooklyn Heights Promenade
StephanPhoto: Double Chrysler Building
StephanPhoto: Rotunda detail
StephanPhoto: The Standard, High Line
StephanPhoto: C Rock
StephanPhoto: United Nations
StephanPhoto: Dressed in green