taxbertacus: Neighbor kitty
taxbertacus: Tigger hoping for food
taxbertacus: Tigger asking to come inside
taxbertacus: How about a kiss?
taxbertacus: Phlfft.
taxbertacus: Nose - tastes like chicken
taxbertacus: Stop loooooking at me!
taxbertacus: My, what a long tongue you have
taxbertacus: Caught!
taxbertacus: Chinese deer
taxbertacus: Lonely tiger
taxbertacus: Lonely tiger
taxbertacus: Ppphhhllllpppppfffttttt!
taxbertacus: Meerkat
taxbertacus: Meerkat
taxbertacus: Meerkat
taxbertacus: Grrrrrrrrr
taxbertacus: Can you hear me NOW?
taxbertacus: Crazy eared kitty
taxbertacus: Family
taxbertacus: Grooming