Stephanie DM: Along Route 66
Stephanie DM: Sequoia pine cones
Stephanie DM: At the upper Emerald Pool
Stephanie DM: Sandstone waves
Stephanie DM: Glacier Point
Stephanie DM: Landscape Arch
Stephanie DM: Colourful sandstone
Stephanie DM: Rainbow Canyon
Stephanie DM: Balanced Rock
Stephanie DM: General Sherman
Stephanie DM: Stovepipe Wells sunset
Stephanie DM: Sleep, froggy, sleep...
Stephanie DM: The Two Bridges
Stephanie DM: On the road to Vegas
Stephanie DM: Hiking the Hoodoos
Stephanie DM: Zabriskie Point
Stephanie DM: Byebye Sequoia National Park!
Stephanie DM: View on Thor's Hammer
Stephanie DM: 20 Mule Team Canyon
Stephanie DM: The Virgin River
Stephanie DM: One of the many lizards in Zion
Stephanie DM: Blooming cactus
Stephanie DM: Lady in the Wind
Stephanie DM: The Courthouse Towers
Stephanie DM: Bryce Canyon Amphitheatre
Stephanie DM: Grand Canyon helicopter view
Stephanie DM: Colourful trail
Stephanie DM: View on Delicate Arch
Stephanie DM: Golden Gate Bridge in the fog
Stephanie DM: On the road to Death Valley