Steph Cowie: Snow Bunting Ice in Background
Steph Cowie: Snow Bunting Singing On Floating Ice
Steph Cowie: Unhappy Iceland Gull
Steph Cowie: Arctic Tern Calling
Steph Cowie: Arctic Tern Calling
Steph Cowie: Arctic Tern
Steph Cowie: Arctic Tern Pair
Steph Cowie: Ravens Nest
Steph Cowie: Red Breasted Mergansers Mating
Steph Cowie: Slavonian Greben showing me its catch
Steph Cowie: Tufted Ducks - Males seeking to impress female?
Steph Cowie: Harlequin Duck Calling
Steph Cowie: Harlequin Ducking Skimming
Steph Cowie: Just a Harlequin Duck Looking Alert
Steph Cowie: Barrow's Goldeneye
Steph Cowie: Harlequin Duck (Male immature?)
Steph Cowie: Harlequin Duck White Water Rafting without a Raft
Steph Cowie: Slavonian Grebes (Snowing)
Steph Cowie: Ptarmigan Posing
Steph Cowie: Ptarmigan Posing
Steph Cowie: I can see you...
Steph Cowie: Golden Plover Male
Steph Cowie: Golden Plover Female
Steph Cowie: Golden Plover Female
Steph Cowie: Whooper Swans Somewhere on Route 1 in Mountains
Steph Cowie: Golden Plover Somewhere on Route 1 through mountains
Steph Cowie: Golden Plover Somewhere on Route 1 through mountains
Steph Cowie: Black Tailed Godwit on a rainy morning near a place I can't pronounce starts with an H
Steph Cowie: Dunlin at Rif
Steph Cowie: Black Tailed Godwit at Arnarstapi