Steph Cowie: Sandwich Tern
Steph Cowie: Sandwich Tern
Steph Cowie: Sandwich Tern
Steph Cowie: No Catch
Steph Cowie: Sandwich Tern with Eel Collection
Steph Cowie: Sandwich Tern Large Catch 2
Steph Cowie: Sandwich Tern Large Catch 1
Steph Cowie: Artic Tern
Steph Cowie: Flying with an Audience
Steph Cowie: Just Flying
Steph Cowie: Bathing
Steph Cowie: Skimming
Steph Cowie: Arctic Tern
Steph Cowie: Arctic Tern
Steph Cowie: Arctic Tern Underside
Steph Cowie: Arctic Tern
Steph Cowie: Arctic Tern Resting/ Brooding
Steph Cowie: Hunter of Little Fish
Steph Cowie: A Little Morsel
Steph Cowie: Blue Dream
Steph Cowie: Artic Tern
Steph Cowie: Common Tern, South Gare
Steph Cowie: Common Tern
Steph Cowie: Arctic Tern Hunting
Steph Cowie: Common Tern
Steph Cowie: Fishing in the Rain
Steph Cowie: Arctic Tern
Steph Cowie: Arctic Tern
Steph Cowie: Arctic Tern Chick