S-Renee Desings:
The girls from Kenzie's birthday party. She had lots of fun and loved her surprise Elsa dress I made her! #frozen #birthdayparty
S-Renee Desings:
Grainline Archer is finally done after I let it sit halfway done for over six months!
S-Renee Desings:
Grainline Archer is finally done after I let it sit halfway done for over six months!
S-Renee Desings:
Finished my Archer!@grainlinestudio #grainlinearcher
S-Renee Desings:
Just dug this Archer out of the never been finished pile, and attached the collar. I'm pretty stoked about those eyes, but wish they matched better. I started putting my tags in my own clothes to feel a little prouder of my hard work.
S-Renee Desings:
Anna and Lonsdale mashup! Started this dress this morning after thinking about it last night before I went to sleep. So happy with the completed dress! I have to say that a lot of my sewing inspiration has come from the lovely blog of @knitnbee! #sewsundr
S-Renee Desings:
Finished this dress this morning finally! I ran into so many issues with it, and also did a lot of things I don't usually do. I'm so happy with this dress that I had been planning to sew for over 2 years! Thanks @knitnbee for the #sewsundress sewalong, or
S-Renee Desings:
Drafted this pattern with built in cap sleeve. Next step is to find pattern testers to get my first pattern for sale! Just need ideas on girls sizes I should make it, since this is the first. #sewing #patterntester #patterndrafting
S-Renee Desings:
I finished, and the fit is amazing. This dress feels great, and I can't believe how easy it went together. Can't wait to make another #annadress! #sewsundress
S-Renee Desings:
Cutting out the Anna Dress, my first dress for the #sewsundress sewalong. #sewing
S-Renee Desings:
Handmade Umbrella
S-Renee Desings:
Handmade Umbrella and Dress
S-Renee Desings:
Washi Dress