stephaniepc: Dianthus on the Battlefield
stephaniepc: Yoshino Cherry Blossoms
stephaniepc: Snowberry Clearwing, Hemaris diffinis on Agastache
stephaniepc: Lavender - Lavendula spica
stephaniepc: Pink Hyacinth
stephaniepc: Orchid
stephaniepc: Soft Snow
stephaniepc: High Key Chrysanthemum
stephaniepc: Dianthus - Strawberry Parfait
stephaniepc: White-lined Sphinx Moth, Hyles lineata, Hovering Over Fairy Lilies
stephaniepc: Greater Bee Fly, Bombylius major on Japanese Spirea, Spirea japonica
stephaniepc: Grape hyacinth, Muscari armeniacum
stephaniepc: Coral Peony
stephaniepc: Dwarf Weeping Cherry (Explore 5-19-14: Number 40)
stephaniepc: Flowering Crabapple - pink
stephaniepc: Flowering Crabapple - white
stephaniepc: A Swirl of Weeping Cherry Blossoms
stephaniepc: One Shot, Two Ways - white light at night
stephaniepc: One Shot, Two Ways - red light at night
stephaniepc: Red Geraniums on Ceramic Pot
stephaniepc: Pansy on Ceramic Pot
stephaniepc: Yellow Jonquil, opening
stephaniepc: Yellow Crocus
stephaniepc: Bradford Pear (Pyrus calleryana) Blossoms at Night
stephaniepc: Red Buckeye
stephaniepc: Beautiful Orange Chrysanthemum with Green Center
stephaniepc: Happy Sunflowers
stephaniepc: Delicate Yellow Marguerite Daisies
stephaniepc: Kousa Dogwood