the ripped bystander:
hanged [FUJI1960_P0]
the ripped bystander:
hanged [FUJI2005_P1]
the ripped bystander:
flying angel [FUJI1972_P1]
the ripped bystander:
alone in the crowd [FUJI1716_P2]
the ripped bystander:
in the window [FUJI1717_P2]
the ripped bystander:
the ripped bystander:
the ripped bystander:
the ripped bystander:
on air
the ripped bystander:
the ripped bystander:
dark look
the ripped bystander:
role play
the ripped bystander:
at a glance
the ripped bystander:
comedian on air
the ripped bystander:
the ripped bystander:
in the wings
the ripped bystander:
Jambart and Barillon
the ripped bystander:
public servants
the ripped bystander:
M. and Ms. Jambart
the ripped bystander:
Jambart and his seal
the ripped bystander:
Jambart telling his misadventure