stenji: Botanical gardens light show
stenji: Botanical gardens light show
stenji: Botanical gardens light show
stenji: Botanical gardens light show
stenji: Felix asleep
stenji: Lake-to-lake trail end: Therese
stenji: Lake-to-lake trail end: Steph
stenji: Anthony on guitar
stenji: Felix
stenji: Felix
stenji: Dad & Felix
stenji: Dad
stenji: Fort Worden: music & dancing
stenji: Fort Worden: puzzle time
stenji: Fort Worden: bunkers
stenji: Kenji
stenji: Kenji, Marg & Curtis
stenji: Scary tunnel
stenji: Out of the scary tunnel
stenji: Marg & Curtis
stenji: Marg, Curtis & Kenji
stenji: Fort Worden Battlestar Galactica ruin
stenji: Fort Worden Battlestar Galactica ruin
stenji: More ruins
stenji: Moss
stenji: Hanging out
stenji: Joe
stenji: Felix, Josh, Anthony & Derrick
stenji: Simon
stenji: Outside games