stempel*: Škocjanske jame // Jaskinie Szkocjańskie // Skocjan Cave
stempel*: seagull
stempel*: sea dog
stempel*: refleksje
stempel*: boat
stempel*: time to share in Tokaj
stempel*: there
stempel*: Dog's Bar
stempel*: szkarłatka // Phytolacca L.
stempel*: karst landscape // krajobraz krasowy
stempel*: Venice
stempel*: self in boat taxi
stempel*: near Tokaj
stempel*: old bike
stempel*: horror
stempel*: view from Rialto Bridge
stempel*: cat mask
stempel*: small dockyard in Venice
stempel*: small crab under water
stempel*: Pula, amphitheater
stempel*: there is life under water
stempel*: three glasses
stempel*: sun, window and shadow
stempel*: leg-end in Tokaj
stempel*: nice rust
stempel*: viola
stempel*: vigyaz a kutya, harap! // Uwaga na psa, gryzie! // Attention to the dog, bites!
stempel*: kaczki po węgiersku
stempel*: loco
stempel*: just take five