stempel*: Coincidence, part 4 - Ciconia ciconia and Buteo buteo // bocian biały i myszołów
stempel*: Coincidence, part 5 - Grus grus and Ciconia ciconia // żurawie i bocian biały
stempel*: Coincidence, part 3: geese, roe deer and wild swans
stempel*: Coincidence, part 2 - Grus grus & Capreolus
stempel*: Coincidence, part 1 - Grus grus & Circus aeruginosus
stempel*: Coincidence, part 6 - three pheasants and lapwings fighting // walka trzech bażantów i czajki
stempel*: Coincidence, part 7 - pheasants and lapwings fighting // walka bażantów i czajki
stempel*: Coincidence, part 8 - pheasants and lapwings fighting // walka bażantów i czajki
stempel*: Coincidence, part 9 - pheasants and lapwings fighting // walka bażantów i czajki
stempel*: Coincidence, part 10