stemcd: Kangaroo Gound
stemcd: Kangaroo Ground
stemcd: Kangaroos at Kangaroo Ground
stemcd: Kangaroos at Kangaroo Ground
stemcd: Kelvin Heights (5)
stemcd: Kelvin Heights (6)
stemcd: Kelvin Heights
stemcd: Older Budgee
stemcd: Young Budgee
stemcd: Cockatoo
stemcd: Cockatoo
stemcd: Windsor Hotel
stemcd: A Dog at the Beach
stemcd: The Dog is Off!
stemcd: Eagle?
stemcd: Bandiana
stemcd: Seagulls at Lake Hume
stemcd: Jiminy at the Rodeo
stemcd: Lake Anderson
stemcd: Ducks
stemcd: Richmond Bridge
stemcd: Ducks
stemcd: Ducks
stemcd: Ducks
stemcd: Ducks
stemcd: Ducks
stemcd: Duck-centred ripple
stemcd: Muffy in My Jumper
stemcd: Guard Sheep
stemcd: Guard Sheep