Tessa Horehled: My sister is tough shit.
Tessa Horehled: Ryan dj'ing
Tessa Horehled: Especially for transistor radios. #grandma #found #music
Tessa Horehled: Halfsies
Tessa Horehled: I think it's safe to drop off my winter coat for dry cleaning!
Tessa Horehled: #thanks #type
Tessa Horehled: Traffic cannot bother me in weather this incredible.
Tessa Horehled: Spring Down South
Tessa Horehled: Great little afternoon break with McKenzie
Tessa Horehled: @nylonmag going back to 2003. Just a little bit of a fan. ;) Need to fill in my missing issues!
Tessa Horehled: Hair cut! (And pulled back.)
Tessa Horehled: Morning peeking in.
Tessa Horehled: What? We're not wrestling!
Tessa Horehled: Crystallized violets in progress
Tessa Horehled: I see faces.
Tessa Horehled: Adam and I on Easter
Tessa Horehled: Adam and I on Easter
Tessa Horehled: My new squirrel cookie cutter!
Tessa Horehled: What a handsome head. ❤
Tessa Horehled: Paws in, everyone.
Tessa Horehled: Afternoon nap? Don't mind if I do...
Tessa Horehled: Midtown Atlanta just past the trees of Buckhead
Tessa Horehled: Old stomping ground.
Tessa Horehled: I'm with ya kid.
Tessa Horehled: Gorgeous day in Atlanta #atl #atlanta #clouds
Tessa Horehled: Canopy will not clear man on top or side of car.
Tessa Horehled: Dilated eyes post-exam. Sunny day. "Blinded by the light..."
Tessa Horehled: Urban Garden #atl #atlanta #garden