Stu Price: Bewicks Swan
Stu Price: Whooper Swan
Stu Price: Swan portrait
Stu Price: Snow Goose
Stu Price: A pair of Whitefronts
Stu Price: Lesser White-fronted Geese
Stu Price: Tundra Bean Goose?
Stu Price: Bean Goose
Stu Price: Cackling Goose
Stu Price: December Brent Geese #2
Stu Price: Common Shelduck
Stu Price: Spotbill portrait
Stu Price: Mallard with dandruff.
Stu Price: Teal
Stu Price: Gadwall
Stu Price: Garganey
Stu Price: Falcated Duck
Stu Price: Baikal Teal
Stu Price: Shoveler
Stu Price: American Wigeon
Stu Price: Wigeon
Stu Price: Northern Pintail
Stu Price: Black Scoter drake
Stu Price: Stejneger's Scoter
Stu Price: White-winged Scoter
Stu Price: Harlequin Duck
Stu Price: Long-tailed Duck
Stu Price: Bufflehead
Stu Price: Goldeneye
Stu Price: Ring-necked Duck