stellabella: studio renovation
stellabella: studio renovation
stellabella: studio renovation
stellabella: studio renovation
stellabella: studio renovation
stellabella: IMG_5407.jpg
stellabella: IMG_5406.jpg
stellabella: IMG_5405.jpg
stellabella: studio renovation
stellabella: studio renovation
stellabella: studio renovation
stellabella: Plaster dust gone. Ready to prep some paper.
stellabella: Reclaiming my studio after construction.
stellabella: The drop cloths are removed.
stellabella: studio snapshot
stellabella: Studio snapshot
stellabella: EFD87D89-2818-4E5F-BCA2-47EAB42275C3.jpg
stellabella: Studio snapshot
stellabella: Studio snapshot
stellabella: Studio snapshot