stellabella: drawing at the beach.
stellabella: cleaned beach
stellabella: Perfect sunrise.
stellabella: sunrise dunes
stellabella: sunrise. perfect.
stellabella: perfect cuppa joe
stellabella: sunrise
stellabella: IMG_6697.jpg
stellabella: advertising
stellabella: advertising
stellabella: thinking.
stellabella: waiting for the sunrise.
stellabella: breakfast at sunrise
stellabella: ocean at dawn
stellabella: Gumby and Pokey greeted us at the beach.
stellabella: IMG_0334.jpg
stellabella: perfect day
stellabella: cooler - shower
stellabella: happy girl
stellabella: Once shrimp
stellabella: Out of the sun
stellabella: drawing on the road
stellabella: My drawing studio at the beach.
stellabella: My drawing studio at the beach.
stellabella: drawing
stellabella: My drawing studio at the beach.