stellabella: miss L Craig T
stellabella: miss L Craig T
stellabella: miss L Craig T
stellabella: miss L Craig T
stellabella: da boys
stellabella: craig and spidey
stellabella: craig and spidey
stellabella: brother and hulk
stellabella: IMG_5592
stellabella: IMG_5591
stellabella: IMG_5590
stellabella: no way
stellabella: look at mt forehead
stellabella: IMG_5587
stellabella: IMG_5586
stellabella: checking out what's on tap
stellabella: IMG_5582
stellabella: IMG_5581
stellabella: IMG_5580
stellabella: craig and the iPad
stellabella: in the gallery
stellabella: Craig outside the Clay Studio
stellabella: IMG_5565
stellabella: Outside the Clay Studio, Old City