stellabella: adams morgan
stellabella: adams morgan
stellabella: adams morgan
stellabella: DSCN2132.JPG
stellabella: DSCN2133.JPG
stellabella: DSCN2135.JPG
stellabella: DSCN2140.JPG
stellabella: sherman mills
stellabella: DSCN2144.JPG
stellabella: DSCN2122.JPG
stellabella: left over from the mill
stellabella: philadelphia geometry
stellabella: handpainted tables/handmade book and orange
stellabella: handpainted tables
stellabella: red metal
stellabella: looking down is good
stellabella: looking down is good
stellabella: open the orange door
stellabella: DSCN0854.JPG
stellabella: yipes stripes
stellabella: my red crocs
stellabella: geometry
stellabella: walk this way
stellabella: old meets new
stellabella: Somewhere in Montreal
stellabella: IMG_1001.JPG
stellabella: walkways
stellabella: montreal underground
stellabella: speakers and lighting