Tatiana12: Art photo, Gallup Park Sunset
Tatiana12: Foxglove up close, June garden, Summer Solstice
Tatiana12: Classy yellow buick, Motor Muster, Greenfield Village, Dearborn
Tatiana12: Sun on the Dragon weathervane, Greenfield Village, Dearborn
Tatiana12: Mustangs & a Carmen Ghia lineup, Motor Muster
Tatiana12: Robin eating a Juneberry, serviceberry
Tatiana12: Dianthus, after a summer rain, Garden
Tatiana12: Elegant rowing on the Huron River, in June
Tatiana12: Siberian Iris, June
Tatiana12: Juvenile robin, with a Juneberry (serviceberry)
Tatiana12: Geum bloom
Tatiana12: Minature orange & blush rose bloom.
Tatiana12: Weeping Hydrangeas in June, one of the treasured flowering shrubs in our backyard
Tatiana12: Lady's Mantle, after a June summer rain, Hawks garden
Tatiana12: Close up, Serviceberries, Amelanchier
Tatiana12: The pool in June, so inviting!
Tatiana12: Red-tailed Hawk in June
Tatiana12: Grand Hotel evening coffee 2014
Tatiana12: Grand Hotel, view from Gardens 2014
Tatiana12: View of the Mackinac Bridge from the Grand Hotel Porch 2014
Tatiana12: Fountain at the Grand Hotel
Tatiana12: White flowers, Garden Walk, Grand Hotel, Mackinac Island
Tatiana12: Best Detail, from the June view of the Bridge, West Porch, Grand Hotel, Mackinac Island
Tatiana12: Zebra visors on the Spyder
Tatiana12: Spyder with Deb, Fave photo
Tatiana12: Charlevoix classic sunset, #PureMichigan