stela269: seals
stela269: dunes
stela269: at the sea shore
stela269: off you go
stela269: ready for take off
stela269: leave a light on for me
stela269: tagged
stela269: snails pace
stela269: vane
stela269: beacon
stela269: early morning
stela269: new day
stela269: game over
stela269: mussels
stela269: cairns
stela269: frontyard beauty
stela269: firework
stela269: firework II
stela269: rambling rose
stela269: rose
stela269: sunshine at the beach
stela269: Balanidae
stela269: sailing away
stela269: adder stone
stela269: pier
stela269: to new horizons
stela269: waiting for dawn
stela269: nasty weather ahead
stela269: breaking day