steinyt: roadtrippers
steinyt: this might have been mid-mexican hickey story
steinyt: sponsored by regina spektor and polskie ogorki dills
steinyt: "you girls sure are lost for a hot dog".
steinyt: "when i was little, i thought this was the colour of clown's poo."
steinyt: i'm not sure which facial expression to comment on first.
steinyt: vending machine goodness.
steinyt: early morning departure. sponsored by chocolate covered tea biscuits.
steinyt: cheering section
steinyt: happy girls. at least a piece of them.
steinyt: squinty surfers
steinyt: the green machine likes its new accessories
steinyt: another apres-surf necessity
steinyt: SoBo
steinyt: a little slice of deliciousness
steinyt: a little slice of heaven
steinyt: sluggy mcpherson had seen better days
steinyt: jenna
steinyt: essential beach stroll accessories
steinyt: beach trail
steinyt: path to chestermans at sunset