Steffe: The Winter Chair...
Steffe: A Circular Hole
Steffe: Folk & Trädgård
Steffe: Winter at Hesslingby
Steffe: Collapsed Greenhouses
Steffe: Collapsed Greenhouses
Steffe: Collapsed Greenhouses
Steffe: Midsummer is a long way away
Steffe: The Frozen Bay
Steffe: The beach jetty
Steffe: Meanwhile down at the beach
Steffe: Biketastic
Steffe: A lazy Day at the Lake
Steffe: Where's the fish?
Steffe: The infamous Swedish Olympic hat!
Steffe: The Painter and the Dirt Rider
Steffe: Crossing the Lake
Steffe: The (ugly) Spiral
Steffe: Ski Track
Steffe: Half a Barn
Steffe: Furda
Steffe: Stuck between wrought iron and snow
Steffe: Let's Go Shopping!
Steffe: Apoteket
Steffe: Falling Snow Cube
Steffe: Meanwhile, at the...
Steffe: ICA Supermarket
Steffe: Spot the bus stop
Steffe: Snow Removal Mistake
Steffe: Still Winter