Steffe: Swan Lake
Steffe: Kanadagås
Steffe: Swan Lake
Steffe: Canada goose invasion
Steffe: Pecking
Steffe: Giving me the eye
Steffe: Seen It All Before
Steffe: Swan
Steffe: The Stalker
Steffe: Yellowhammer
Steffe: Pruning Swan
Steffe: Bohemian waxwings
Steffe: Hacke Hackpett
Steffe: Bird Spotting
Steffe: Waiting in line
Steffe: The not so ugly duckling
Steffe: 11:55 AM
Steffe: Siskin
Steffe: Yellowhammer
Steffe: Talgoxe
Steffe: Blåmes
Steffe: Flying in formation
Steffe: Birds of prey
Steffe: Vitkindad Gås
Steffe: On the lookout
Steffe: Can I have some of that?
Steffe: Juvenile Blackbird
Steffe: Villa Blåmes
Steffe: Swan
Steffe: Chaffinch