Steffe: Out and about
Steffe: Horsin' Around
Steffe: A horse with a name
Steffe: Livgardets livskvadron
Steffe: Rytteriet
Steffe: Traffic
Steffe: Portrait of a horse
Steffe: Angelika Berg
Steffe: Hästhage
Steffe: Hästhage
Steffe: No Carrots?
Steffe: Hästhage
Steffe: Forest Horse
Steffe: Winter Horse
Steffe: Horse pasture
Steffe: Horseback rider
Steffe: Hungry Horse
Steffe: Sleeping Horse
Steffe: Headless Horse
Steffe: No Apple?
Steffe: Got any apples?
Steffe: Horse Profile
Steffe: Double Rainbow
Steffe: Hay time
Steffe: Lunch at the pasture
Steffe: Horse in the Snow
Steffe: Winter Horse
Steffe: Apple, carrot, anything?
Steffe: In The Winner's Circle
Steffe: Josefin