steff808: The Cooper Union.
steff808: The border.
steff808: Chinatown games.
steff808: UFO light ?
steff808: Sunset on Wall Street
steff808: Dark waters
steff808: Soho walker
steff808: Under the Earth
steff808: Macy's
steff808: The escalator
steff808: Children's sculpture
steff808: The wall Kiss
steff808: Pepe Rosso !
steff808: Strange lighthouse
steff808: The beach under the Brooklyn Bridge
steff808: time for dinner
steff808: Brooklyn public works
steff808: Next will be mine
steff808: Reading in the Morgan library
steff808: like a fish in the nets
steff808: Did King Kong saw this ?
steff808: gazing at the sun
steff808: upside down entrance
steff808: Nailed ?
steff808: Time to bike
steff808: Why is this ship always on the pics ?
steff808: Time & money
steff808: Where is the moon ?
steff808: Mrs. Peacock and Colonel Mustard looking for clues
steff808: Big and small