Stefan Sthlm: Gunhild
Stefan Sthlm: Sofia Church
Stefan Sthlm: Elements
Stefan Sthlm: Ballong
Stefan Sthlm: Last Light
Stefan Sthlm: All is new
Stefan Sthlm: A Bridge with a View
Stefan Sthlm: Sofia and Venus say good night
Stefan Sthlm: First light at Stegeborg
Stefan Sthlm: Novembersol
Stefan Sthlm: The Last
Stefan Sthlm: Over the Ice
Stefan Sthlm: The Walker
Stefan Sthlm: Bunch of Trees
Stefan Sthlm: Birches
Stefan Sthlm: Old and New
Stefan Sthlm: Evening Bath?
Stefan Sthlm: Andersjöåfallet
Stefan Sthlm: Stockholm i mitt hjärta
Stefan Sthlm: The Lighthouse
Stefan Sthlm: Sorttjärnen
Stefan Sthlm: Stillness
Stefan Sthlm: Stream of Light
Stefan Sthlm: Multiple Layers
Stefan Sthlm: The Church