BarryFackler: Stingray kiss
Todd Aki: giving birth
Rafi Amar Wildlife Photography: Acentronura tentaculata - Dwarf Pipehorse
Michaels Bubbles: Tiger Shark / Tigerhai / Galeocerdo cuvier
Michaels Bubbles: Ghost Melibe / Geister Melibe / Melibe Colemani
Sonja Ooms: Miller's Nembrotha
Sonja Ooms: Flower nudibranch
Jack_Pokoj: Pteroidichthys amboinensis
ott.geoffrey: The Dark Hedges, Northern Ireland
shinichiro*: Lilium auratum
yabberdab: Sakrisøy Fishing Village
tlswan2: Antelope Canyon
Anya Anti: Wanderlust
Andrea Moscato: The Dark Hedges (Northern Ireland)
jeanmarie.gradot: Hydatina physis
Carlos Fernandez-Cid, carloscies: Limacia clavigera. Cabo Udra
Rafi Amar Wildlife Photography: Broomtail Wrasse - Cheilinus lunulatus
jeanmarie.gradot: Exallias brevis
Andrea Moscato: Bays of the North Sea - Bergen (Norway)
mousielim: Blessed Christmas
esspd: Eubranchus ocellatus
thengoctran19: Damselfly Cyan (Chuồn chuồn kim màu xanh coban)
lfeng1014: Speed of Light
Yann OG: Slovenia
Rafi Amar Wildlife Photography: Japanese Pineapplefish - Monocentris japonica
Andrea Moscato: Lysefjord - Preikestolen, The Pulpit Rock (Norway)
CK NG (choookia): Reflection II Lake Bled - Slovenia