Stefano_JUSTaMAN: Bosnian landscape ( in Srebrenica)
Stefano_JUSTaMAN: bosnian women ( in Srebrenica.. thanks them for the wonderful Lunch)
Stefano_JUSTaMAN: Sarajevo by night. View form the hotel Saray
Stefano_JUSTaMAN: Mostar-Bosnia
Stefano_JUSTaMAN: Miss.Sarajevo. the view from a hill
Stefano_JUSTaMAN: mostar and his famous bridge
Stefano_JUSTaMAN: from the the very top of the tower.... a small erzegovina's village
Stefano_JUSTaMAN: Waiting for a customer in Mostrar
Stefano_JUSTaMAN: craftman in Mostar
Stefano_JUSTaMAN: Sarajevo by night
Stefano_JUSTaMAN: a snowy Sarajevo
Stefano_JUSTaMAN: Sarajevo by night- the public library after restoring is there... shining!
Stefano_JUSTaMAN: Sarajevo by night
Stefano_JUSTaMAN: umbrellas- near a pub in sarajevo East Side
Stefano_JUSTaMAN: walking in the cemetery in Sarajevo
Stefano_JUSTaMAN: Having a beer in a typical pub in Sarajevo
Stefano_JUSTaMAN: Mostar roofs
Stefano_JUSTaMAN: the dome inside the Sarajevo's library
Stefano_JUSTaMAN: srebrenica- memorial cemetery
Stefano_JUSTaMAN: bosnian landscape
Stefano_JUSTaMAN: mines- at the freedom tunnel in sarajevo
Stefano_JUSTaMAN: Resting, and sleeping on the bus